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"The infinite tango pulled me toward everything. Toward the new stars...and toward that clear memory my eyes are seeking" 

                                                   Jorge Luis Borges


TangoMundo celebrates the sublime music traditions of the porteño districts of Argentina and Uruguay. Inspired by the glorious and tragic tango melodies of far away and long ago and driven by the revolutionary dynamics of composers like Astor Piazzolla, TangoMundo creates the passionate music which grew from immigrant European and Afro-Argentine roots, finding expression in the brothels and street corners of Buenos Aires before becoming a sensation in the salons of Paris and then legitimised in the greatest concert halls of the world.


TangoMundo began as a collaborative project in Buenos Aires led by tango musician and composer Guillermo Anad. Joined by Australian performance-maker Faye Bendrups in Granada, Spain, their paths crossed with accordionist Dave Evans returning from touring Scandinavia. TangoMundo play and sing a repertoire ranging from traditional 1920s tango standards to rarely played compositions of Astor Piazzolla, from obscure European tangos to original new works.


Daniel Piazzolla: "The great achievement of TangoMundo is to mix classical and popular nuances of my father’s music using an unexpected combination of only three instruments: viola, accordion and piano. This is a novel and entirely Piazzollean approach".


John Minns, Director, Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS): "Tango, of course, says much about Argentina. Few musical genres evoke so completely a country and its history. Tango has burst the boundaries of a single nation; it now belongs to the world. Astor Piazzolla is the revolutionary of tango. TangoMundo is a wonderful expression of the globalisation of tango and the genius of Piazzolla. It takes tango into new areas while retaining the passion, subtlety, and power of the original. It is a great privilege for the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) and the Australian National University to be associated with TangoMundo".




Liderado por el músico y compositor Guillermo Anad, TangoMundo nació como un proyecto de colaboración en Buenos Aires. Luego se sumó, en Granada, la performance-maker australiana Faye Bendrups y sus caminos se encontraron con los del acordeonista Dave Evans, quien había finalizado una exitosa gira escandinava. El repertorio de TangoMundo incluye tangos tradicionales de principios del siglo XX, composiciones de Piazzolla raramente interpretadas, sombríos tangos europeos y obras originales.


Daniel Piazzolla: "El gran logro de TangoMundo es combinar la dinámica clásica y popular de la música de mi padre, utilizando una sorprendente combinación de sólo tres instrumentos (viola, acordeón y piano). Este es un enfoque novedoso y cabalmente piazzolleano". 


John Minns, Director, Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS): "El tango, obviamente, dice mucho sobre la Argentina. Pocos géneros evocan de manera tan completa a un país y su historia. Pero el tango ha desbordado las fronteras de una nación y ahora pertenece al mundo. Astor Piazzolla es el revolucionario del tango. TangoMundo es una maravillosa expresión de la globalización del tango y del genio de Piazzolla. TangoMundo lleva al tango hacia nuevas zonas, conservando siempre la pasión, la sutileza y la fuerza del original. Para el Centro Nacional Australiano de Estudios Latinoamericanos (ANCLAS) y la Universidad Nacional de Australia es un gran privilegio colaborar con TangoMundo".

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